Tuesday 24 January 2012

scrap book blog

I decided to start a blog separate from my other blogs and use it as a scrap book blog, just so I could keep track of everything that I have been doing or watching, plus I can refer to it from any blogs I have in the future

Scrap book blog <<<here is the link

Sunday 8 January 2012

Animation so far

Ok I haven't updated in a very long time, so I am going to put up all of the animation that I have done so far, even the bits that need redoing.

ok so firstly I have started to redo it in Photoshop because I think its quicker and easier as it cuts out the time of taking photos and putting them on my laptop and then putting them all together.

the video is to big to put on Blogger so please click Here

The happy walk cycle at the start is pretty much traced from the original and needs redoing because it jumps to much.

I'm happy with the football kick which I completely redid

the steps he does when he is walking towards the boulders look very stompy probably because I only put one in-between in to make it look hurried, so I may redo that if I have time.

I'm quite happy with the pushing bit, because I think it looks like he is really straining against the rock. In the ones where he is stationary (like when his back is against the rock) I drew very carefully over the rock so it wouldn't appear as shakey and then I drew very quickly over the top of the character so he appeared to shake with the strain of trying to move the boulder, it was a something that I saw used in Bleach (an anime) I noticed that whenever a character was straining against something they would shake so I thought I would try it out, and I am quite happy with the result

Monday 5 December 2011

Football kick v02

This one is a bit better, I added the character to it, and changed the arm so it doesn't move so awkwardly, I also put in a bit of a lean forward, to put more emphasis on the forward kick I only added it to a few frames though, I also kept the leg in the air for a frame more so it gives a better sense of when the kick ends.

I will need to add more lean forward, and also put a bit of backward lean when his leg is in front of him to balance it. and I need to sort out his head as it very suddenly turns forward towards the end of the kick. I could also put in more in betweens to make it feel a bit smoother. 

Monday 21 November 2011

Rough football kick

Here is a rough animation of my character hitting a football. 

I originally looked at some youtube videos to see how the processionals do it, however when I thought about it I realised that a man who is getting paid thousands of pounds to kick a ball might do it a bit better than someone who just happens to find a football and wants to kick it. 

So I based the kick on how I would kick a football. Oddly enough I found that my torso rotated one way and that the only bit of me that moved (other than my leg) was my left arm which swung up to counteract the leg movement and keep me in balance.

I may make the torso lean back to compensate for the leg movement more and also to give the character more energy.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Happy walk cycle slow down

Ok so I tried to make a him slow down rather than suddenly stop so he can look at the football and here is what it looks like! I also made the walk cycle into a character.

The reason that the walk appears to jump a little bit is because I am missing a few frames and I will try to track them down after I have finished writing this. I think that the slow down is still a bit sudden, but I think it will do. 

If anyone has any opinion on this that would be helpful

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Happy walk cycle

Here is a happy walk cycle, made using double bounce where the character bounces twice in one step to give them that light happy feel. I also made him lean backwards a little bit to make him seem more relaxed. 

I am quite pleased how this turned out and will be applying my character to this walk cycle soon and I will probably use this in my actual animation. Next I want to have a stab at doing a sad walk as my 20-30 second animation will involve both happy and sad walking.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Double bounce walk cycle

This is a walk cycle I made in Flash, I read about double bounce walk cycles from The Animators Survival Kit and thought I'd give it a go.

Bouncy walk cycle

I am quite pleased with it although when I come to do the actual thing I will probably make the body bend backward a little bit and the head tilt up. I am going to go back and edit this and see if I can make it look happier, and use what I have found out to do a hand drawn version.