Friday 23 September 2011

Bouncing Ball

Well here we are, the bouncing ball, the start of the beginning, so we were told to do a bouncing ball and to keep a blog of everything we do (well animation wise ;) ), so here I am writing about a bouncing ball...anyway we have to use the traditional 2d method of drawing on pieces of paper to make the ball bounce (its surprising how hard it is to draw 20 balls that are all roughly the same size), I have done 3 ball bounces and one ball roll. The ball role file doesn't work though, and neither does one of the ball bounces, because I pressed the wrong button on the export screen which is a shame because it had a smiling face on it and a bird on the was fun! So I only have two to show.

The one on the top is the final one, the bottom one was a practice that was ok but I didn't like how it suddenly stopped...the final one is ok if not a little bit too bouncy...but to be honest I could probably spend a whole year doing bouncing balls and never make one I like! 

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