Monday 26 September 2011

Walk Cycles

Right so we have moved on from ball bounces and are now doing walk cycles, using the same method as before, I have done walk cycles before one on flash and the other in Blender 3d, I shall put a link to both on this blog.

The one in flash was ok, it started of as a stick man but I thought I'd Jazz it up a little by making the stick man into a you do! I realise now that the legs move much to fast as I only used 8 frames, for two steps.
you can look at that one here

The Blender one was pretty much a disaster now I look back on it. I over exaggerated the steps plus the foot goes through the box the character is standing on you can look at the 3d one here

I have started on my first hand drawn one but I am already noticing problems where the arms aren't the right length and the legs are thinner in some frames than others, hopefully as they will be on for a grande total of 1/25th of a second it will not stick out too much, but I intend to continue anyway because at least it will give me a good idea of ways to improve

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