Tuesday 4 October 2011

Walk cycle 1

Here is my first attempt at a walk cycle, there are quite a few issues as is to be expected in the first one but I don't think its all that bad.
The hands are the worst bit as I couldn't decide what shape to put them so the shape basically changes every frame which results in the flickering look, also when he goes up it does kind of jump, plus I think he goes to high considering how low down the foot is at its highest point.

I also noticed that the whole body changes angle imbetween frames 8 and 10, and that often the position of the knee cap often shifts around...making the upper part of the leg longer than the shorter. I also think that the arms need to move more as they pretty much stay locked in the same shape and the whole arm rotates. So I will have a look at that.

The frame rate could also do with slowing down, perhaps to 12 fps as it almost looks like he is running.

I am going to make a few changes to this walk cycle and reshoot it, if I'm not 100% happy with it I will start a new one, without arms shoot it at all the different stages-keyframes, then keyframes with one imbetween imbetween them then with more imbetweens etc.

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