Wednesday 2 November 2011

Lip sync

I have decided to put walk cycles to the side for now so I can get on with the lip sync as I am a bit worried about it.

I have decided to do a lip sync of a sound file from "The Room" the exact quote is "You are lying, I didn't hit you, you are tearing me apart Lisa!" however the actor has a very strange accent so I thought that this would be interesting to do.

As for characters I have decided to just go for a humanoid face, as I am running short of time, the disposition of the character is meant to be angry.

I am ok with this, there are a few problems like when he says "are" it just looks odd because the mouth doesn't move. plus I dislike how jumpy it looks.

I like the bit at the end however, when his head bobs on the P of the "apart" and how his eyes close, I may go back and make his head move a little bit more. 

This experience has shown me why there are so many "silent" animations, lip syncing is hard to do and easy to spot when something is wrong. but I am overall happy with what I have done

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